Monday, February 17, 2020

Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Hamlet - Essay Example It seemed to me that he was different from Oedipus or Macbeth in that he did not jump into thoughtless action. I searched for the possible reasons for this and interrogated the differences in the notion of tragedy among these heroes. Apparently, Hamlet was different from the others because he was faced with serious domestic problems soon after he returned home from the University. The learned Prince took the world seriously and tried to comprehend it to the fullest, and to his utter dismay discovered that time was out of joint. I focused on the specific pattern in which Hamlet tried to discover the truth and the ways in which he tried to avoid action. I searched for the possible reasons for his ambivalent relationship with his mother Gertrude and lady love Ophelia, and a specific pattern evolved with which I could argue that Hamlet’s inaction did not show his inability, and that it was part a well thought out plan of action which the Prince had conceived. The paper revolves around the idea that Hamlet’s inaction was related to the careful study of the situation at hand which he had to resolve. It is argued that instead of jumping into thoughtless action like Oedipus or Macbeth, Hamlet took as much time as possible to interrogate the existential questions he was faced with and realized that the state of the world did not adhere to any idealistic notion. Hamlet’s quest for truth is not something that would lead to a happy state of affairs. He realizes that he is doomed to be a tragic hero whose actions can only result in irrevocable sorrow. The paper introduces the psychoanalytic readings that have established the possible reasons for the procrastination of Prince Hamlet and goes on to analyze the Apollonian and Dionysian traditions in the Greek culture. In this section, Hamlet is seen as possessing more of the Apollonian elements in contrast with Oedipus, who

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs Essay

The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs - Essay Example This "The Ethics of Marketing Prescription Drugs" essay outlines the effect that drug's advertisement has. Seeing these kinds of commercials not only convince the watcher that they are sick, but that they must get themselves medicated before they waste any more time in their suddenly felt misery. "The best contributions to such debates [regarding the extent of influence the media has over the public] suggest the complex, negotiated and often indirect nature of media influence, but of one thing there can be no doubt; the media do have an influence" Hesmondhalgh 3). By playing on the already weakened state of the viewer who is experiencing any of these symptoms, advertisements such as this are unethically misleading about the cause of their suffering as well as the instantaneous results they will experience once medicated. By encouraging people to talk to their doctor about taking this drug, the advertisers for Paxil give the viewer the impression that they are more informed about their illness and its potential treatments than their doctor. Rather than openly acknowledge the symptoms listed may be caused by a number of factors, this information is read through quickly, if at all, during the 30 second segment of disclaimers and identified risk factors associated with the drug. â€Å"The average person cannot adequately research all the scientific studies done to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs. Patients, therefore, find themselves requesting prescription drugs based on advertisements with little knowledge of all the relevant medical information†. ... "The best contributions to such debates [regarding the extent of influence the media has over the public] suggest the complex, negotiated and often indirect nature of media influence, but of one thing there can be no doubt; the media do have an influence" Hesmondhalgh 3). By playing on the already weakened state of the viewer who is experiencing any of these symptoms, advertisements such as this are unethically misleading about the cause of their suffering as well as the instantaneous results they will experience once medicated. By encouraging people to talk to their doctor about taking this drug, the advertisers for Paxil give the viewer the impression that they are more informed about their illness and its potential treatments than their doctor. Rather than openly acknowledge the symptoms listed may be caused by a number of factors, this information is read through quickly, if at all, during the 30 second segment of disclaimers and identified risk factors associated with the drug. â€Å"The average person cannot adequately research all the scientific studies done to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs. Patients, therefore, find themselves requesting prescription drugs based on advertisements with little knowledge of all the relevant medical information† (ProCon, 2010). At the same time, this advertisement wears away at the viewer’s trust in their medical professional, particularly when they see corresponding promotional material in the doctor’s office. â€Å"Patients seeing prescription drug ads can lose trust in doctors and the medical establishment when it seems that the medical community (including pharmaceutical companies) is more interested in taking